24-27 July 2018
EHESS, 54 and 105 Blvd Raspail, 75006
Paris, France

The ECSAS has met regularly since 1968, and has provided an important opportunity to discuss current research and scholarship on topics relating to South Asia within the humanities and social sciences. The ECSAS conferences now operate under the auspices of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), a charitable, academic association engaged in the support of research and teaching concerning South Asia with regard to all periods and fields of study.

ECSAS will celebrate its 25th edition in Paris, hosted at the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales—School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences). The main institutional organizer is the CEIAS (Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud—Center for South Asian Studies, UMR 8564 CNRS/EHESS), which is the largest French research institute in the social sciences dealing with the Indian subcontinent. Created in the mid-1950s by Louis Dumont, the Center’s original aim was to renew the study of South Asia by combining social science-based methods and findings with those of classical Indology.


Call for Papers
The call for papers is now open.

List of Panels



Dear colleagues in the history of linguistics

Could I draw your attention to our essay prize in the history of linguistics, closing date September 30th? The Vivien Law Prize is open to all currently registered students, and to scholars who have received their PhD or equivalent qualification within the last five years. Members of the Executive Committee of the Society may not apply. Applications from non-members are welcome. Essays should not exceed 8000 words, including references, footnotes, tables, appendices, etc. The essay should be sent in electronic form to the Honorary Secretary of the Executive Committee Dr Liv Walsh (Olivia.Walsh@nottingham.ac.uk) by the closing date.

The prize consists of £200, one year’s free membership of the Society and a free copy of Vivien Law’s The History of Linguistics in Europe from Cambridge University Press. As every year, we look forward to receiving your entries.

Best wishes


Prof. Nicola McLelland

Professor of German and History of Linguistics

Head of School

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University of Nottingham

Room B6a, Trent Building

University Park

Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0) 115 95 15822 nicola.mclelland@nottingham.ac.uk .ac.uk


Follow us






Editor, Language & History, the ISI-indexed journal of the Henry Sweet Society: http://www.maney.co.uk/index.php/journals/lhi/

Latest book: German Through English Eyes. A History of Language Teaching and Learning in Britain, 1500-2000http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/title_832.ahtml

Co-Investigator and Deputy Project-Leader, on the AHRC-funded MEITS project (2016-2020): www.meits.org






Universidad de la Republica, em Montevidéu, Uruguai, abriu hoje em dia, sob os auspícios da Academia de Ciências da Argentina, Chile e Uruguai, um Departamento de Ciências Humanas, em homenagem a nosso grande ancestral, cientista-linguista Eugeniu Coşeriu.

Maiores informações clique aqui


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LINGUIST List 28.838: Calls: History of Linguistics/Georgia


The LINGUIST List issue 28.838, topic: Calls, title: Calls: History of Linguistics/Georgia


Linguistic Field(s): History of LinguisticsCall Deadline: 15-Jul-2017 

Meeting Description:

We are pleased to invite scholars interested in the history of linguistic ideas developed alongside with different ideologies in different times. The first conference on this theme was organized in 2015. 

2017 year will be the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which changed the development of peoples of Former Russian Empire. The new linguistic politics of Soviet Union and so called ''New Linguistic Theory'' were the consequence of this revolution. Due to this reason some sessions of the conference will be dedicated to the problems of the history of Soviet Linguistics and the Soviet Linguistic Politics. 

The Conference is organized by the Giorgi Akhvlediani Society for the History of Linguistics and Ivané Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 

The conference will be held on 6-9 October, 2017 at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia).

Call for Papers: 

Papers relating to any aspect of the history of linguistic ideas developed alongside with ideologies are invited, focusing on diverse topic areas from individual case studies to methodological considerations. 

Proposals for papers should be submitted in the form of abstracts of 400 words as Word.doc, accompanied by the affiliation, email address and short bio of the participant and mailed to: gashol.gegmail.com 

The official languages of the conference are Georgian and English. 

The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 15, 2017. The conference editorial board will select the papers to be presented at the conference. Final selection will be made by July 25, 2017; notification of acceptance will be sent before July 30, 2017. 

For further information please contact the local members of the executive board by using gashol.gegmail.com 

Editorial Board of the Conference: 

Tinatin Bolkvadze (Director of the conference) 
Tinatin Margalitadze 
Darejan Tvaltvadze 
Lia Karosanidze 
Marika Jikia 

Executive Board of the Conference: 

Natia Putkaradze 
Maka Tetradze 
Nino Abesadze 

Important Dates: 

Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: July 15, 2017 
Notification of Acceptance: July 25, 2017 
Program Announcement: July 30, 2017 

Conference Fee: € 120 

The Organizing Committee cannot financially support the conference participants. All fees and expenses must be met by the participants and/or their organizations.



The Fourteenth International Conference On The History of The Language Sciences, ICHoLS XIV, will be held from August 28 to September 1 2017 in Paris.

Since 1978 ICHoLS conferences have brought together specialists in the discipline every three years. Previous conferences have been held in Ottawa, Lille, Princeton, Trier, Galway, Washington, Oxford, Fontenay-St Cloud (Paris), São Paolo & Campinas, Urbana-Champaign, Potsdam, St Petersburg and Vila Real.

They gather together proposals (for workshops, papers, or posters) concerned with the history, epistemology or historiographical problems of the language sciences.

- Sylvain Auroux,
- Saroja Bhate,
- Bernard Colombat,
- Marina de Palo,
- Jean-Michel Fortis,
- José Gomez-Asencio,
- John Joseph,
- Nicola McLelland



- Inscription avec intervention : 180,00€ (inscription après le 30 avril : 230,00€)
- Membres du comité scientifique et membres du LabEx EFL : 120,00€ (inscription après le 30 avril : 170,00€)
- Etudiants : 100,00€ (inscription après le 30 avril : 150,00€)
- Inscription sans intervention : 60,00€ (inscription après le 30 avril : 110,00€)

Une liste d’hôtels est en ligne sur le site de la conférence : https://ichols14.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/11
Des déjeuners sont prévus sur le lieu de la conférence (à payer lors de l’inscription). Aucune inscription au déjeuner ne sera possible sur place.

Un diner de gala est prévu le jeudi 31 août, limité à 100 personnes. Le ticket doit être acheté lors de l’inscription.


Bourse pour les doctorants
Afin de faciliter le déplacement des doctorants et des jeunes docteurs sans poste, le comité d’organisation propose 10 bourses de 250€. Dossier de candidature à télécharger sur le site (https://ichols14.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/18 ) et à renvoyer accompagné d’une lettre de motivation à ichols14@sciencesconf.org avant le 30 avril 2017.

Programme ACCES
Le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche a mis en place le programme "ACCES" pour encourager la participation de chercheurs originaires d'Europe Centrale et Orientale, de Russie, du Caucase et d'Asie Centrale à des colloques organisés en France.

Si vous appartenez à l'un de ces pays et souhaitez bénéficier d'un financement (frais de voyage et frais de séjour), envoyez votre CV ainsi qu'un budget prévisionnel (frais de voyage et frais de séjour) à ichols14@sciencesconf.org avant le 1er avril 2017.

Votre dossier sera présenté par le comité d'organisation auprès du Ministère.


Data: 02/12/2016
Horário: 20h00
Local: Salão de Atos - Unesp - Assis

Inscrições de 18/11/2016 a 01/12/2016 -  http://www.inscricoes.fmb.unesp.br/principal.asp

A Historiografia Linguística, que pode ser definida como os estudos sobre a história das teorizações e ideias a respeito das línguas e da linguagem, é uma disciplina cujo escopo vai desde os conceitos que levaram à invenção dos sistemas de escrita, os primeiros glossários e dicionários até a elaboração de gramáticas e a debates sobre a natureza e o funcionamento da linguagem. Essas reflexões têm ganhado cada vez maior reconhecimento na área da Linguística no Brasil, sendo que há pesquisadores de Historiografia Linguística ou História das Ideias Linguísticas em diferentes instituições brasileiras, como UNICAMP, USP, UNESP, UFPR e UFJF . A jornada deste ano, além de uma visão dos princípios e métodos gerais da Historiografia Linguística, também propõe um campo de pesquisa específico e ainda pouco conhecido dessa disciplina, a saber: a Linguística Missionária, que se concentra nas elaborações teóricas de estudiosos ocidentais que, pela primeira vez, depararam-se com línguas não indo-europeias e tiveram que adaptar seu conhecimento técnico gramatical greco-latino a esses novos objetos de estudo. 

XI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística 
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 19, 20 y 21 de abril de 2017 

Primera circular El Instituto de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires invita a todos los investigadores que trabajan en el área de la historiografía lingüística a participar del XI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística, que tendrá lugar en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires los días 19, 20 y 21 de abril de 2017. La Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística (SEHL) tiene como principal objetivo la promoción y divulgación del conocimiento acerca de la historia de las ideas lingüísticas y de la evolución epistemológica del conocimiento sobre el lenguaje. Desde su creación en 1995, la SEHL ha promovido la realización de congresos internacionales con el fin de propiciar el encuentro entre sus socios y fomentar el contacto entre investigadores interesados por la historiografía lingüística. Conferencias plenarias Sylvain Auroux (CNRS) Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez (Universidad de León).

La fecha límite para el envío de resúmenes es el 30 de septiembre de 2016

La inscripción y el envío de resúmenes debe realizarse a través de la página web del Congreso: http://xicongresosehl.org/inscripcion

Más info en: http://xicongresosehl.org


Conferência Internacional

«O espaço das línguas.
A língua portuguesa no mundo do início da Idade Moderna (séculos XV a XVII)»

De 17-02-2016 a 19-02-2016

FCSH/NOVA | Edifício ID, Sala Multiusos 2 (piso 4)

No âmbito dos processos de expansão marítima e das missões, o Português tornou-se uma das principais línguas veiculares à escala mundial, bem como, em conjunto com o castelhano, o principal espaço linguístico através do qual as línguas ameríndias, africanas e asiáticas e respectivas civilizações foram originalmente traduzidas para qualquer outra língua europeia. Tanto o Congresso "O espaço das línguas" como o Projecto de investigação que o suporta  visam estudar as raízes da difusão, formas e contextos de uso da língua Portuguesa, bem como de pidgins e crioulos de base portuguesa, no início do período moderno.

Este colóquio insere-se no projeto «O espaço das línguas. A língua portuguesa no mundo do início da Idade Moderna (séculos XV a XVII)».



- Academia das Ciências



Cartaz | Poster(.pdf)

Programa | Programme(.pdf)




Cher Collègue,

A l’occasion du centenaire de la publication du Cours de Linguistique Générale, différentes manifestations scientifiques et commémoratives sont organisées sous l’égide du Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure.

Vous trouverez au fur et à mesure que leur organisation se précisera, toutes les informations concernant ces différentes manifestations (journées d’études, conférences, colloques) sur le site:


Deux colloques complémentaires vous sont proposés:

• Genève – 9/14 janvier 2017:

Le Cours de Linguistique Générale. 1916-2016. L’émergence

• Paris – 15/17 juin 2016:

Le Cours de Linguistique Générale. 1916-2016. Le devenir

Le deuxième appel à contributions est d’ores et déjà ouvert – il se clôturera pour Paris le 15 février 2016 et pour Genève le 1er août 2016. Outre les communications en sessions parallèles et en ateliers « captifs » (liés aux thématiques des sessions), nous attendons vos propositions concernant l’organisation d’ateliers libres à Genève.

Consultez les pages: http://www.clg2016.org/appel-a-contributions/

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clg2016

Nous vous remercions par avance de bien vouloir faire circuler cette information auprès de vos institutions et dans votre liste de diffusion.

Le Comité Scientifique et les Comités Locaux d’Organisation


Dear Colleague,

Saussure’s Cours de linguistique générale was published a hundred years ago. To celebrate this anniversary, the Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure is organizing different scientific and commemorative events.

You will find of all the necessary information on the website: www.clg2016.org  which will be updated regularly.

Two main conferences, designed to present the two aspects of this major piece of work, will take place:

. In Geneva – 9/14 January 2017:

Le Cours de Linguistique Générale. 1916-2016. L’émergence (How it came about)

. In Paris – 15/17 June 2016:

Le Cours de Linguistique Générale. 1916-2016. Le devenir (Its future)

The second call for papers is already open. It will close 15 February 2016 for Paris and 1st August 2016 for Geneva. In addition to communications in parallel sessions and in « related » workshops (linked to the session themes), Geneva offers an opportunity for « free workshops » (independent from session themes) for which we hope you will send us some proposals.

Please consult our pages: http://www.clg2016.org/appel-a-contributions/

You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clg2016

 We would be grateful if you communicate this information to your own professional networks.

Yours truly,
The Scientific Committee and the Local Organization Committees







The Ninth RH Robins Prize of the Philological Society


The Philological Society is delighted to launch the ninth R. H. Robins student Prize for an article on a linguistic topic that falls within the area of the Society's interests as defined by present and past publications in the Transactions of the Philological Society (TPhS).

The Prize will be awarded in open competition. The competition is open to any individual or individuals who was/were both: 
(i) registered students (at the time of submission); s/he/they should submit a letter from his/her/their supervisor, or from a person of similar standing, attesting to his/her/their status and that the submission is his/her/their own work); and, 
(ii) Members or Student Associate Members of the Society.

The article submission can (but need not) have been based on some part of a projected doctoral or masters dissertation. The submission should not have been published before (except possibly in a departmental working paper or the like), nor should it have been submitted for publication elsewhere. 

The author(s) of the winning submission will receive a cash prize of £500 (shared equally between the authors of a jointly authored submission); the author(s) of the runner-up essay will receive a cash prize of £250 (again, shared equally as appropriate).  Additionally, the prize-winning and runner-up submissions will be considered for publication in the Society's journal, the Transactions of the Philological Society, subject to the usual peer-review process. In making a submission, authors must undertake to give the Transactions first refusal to publish the article.

The prize will be awarded by PhilSoc Council on the recommendation of a prize committee formed from members of Council and selected peer-reviewers with the President in the Chair. In awarding the prize the Council will take into consideration the originality of the submission and the theoretical and/or empirical contribution it makes to the discipline. Council reserves the right not to award the prize if there are no submissions of sufficient merit.

The closing date for submissions is 1 November 2016. Submissions are to be written in English. They should not exceed (but need not be as long as) 10,000 words, including tables, figures, notes, appendices, references, etc. Submissions (in Word and PDF format) should be sent to the Society’s Secretary, Professor Klaus Fischer, by e-mail attachment, together with the letter mentioned in (i) above. The article should follow the TPhS style sheet. The style sheet can be downloaded by clicking on the link on the right.

The winner and runner-up will be announced at the Society's Annual General Meeting in June 2017.

For details, please see the Robins Prize page on the website:




History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences


Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific SHLP5

Call for Papers

5-7 September 2016, Universität Potsdam

The fifth biennial conference of the Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific will be held in Potsdam, Germany, 5-7 September 2016. With a strong contingent of participants from Australia and the Pacific region expected, the conference should provide an excellent opportunity for intercontinental contact and exchange.

Papers will be 20 minutes in length followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The theme of the conference is “Philological fieldwork”, although papers on any relevant topic are welcome.

Please submit abstracts by 30 April 2016 to James McElvenny,  james.mcelvenny@gmail.com




ANNUAL COLLOQUIUM of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic ideas

Call for Papers

13-15 September 2016, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge


Papers are invited for the 2016 Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society, on any aspect of the history of linguistics and linguistic ideas. The particular focus this time will be on the study of


Papers will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Please submit abstracts (no more than 500 words) by 31 March 2016 for consideration by the Organising Committee to: Dr Torsten Meißner, tm10012@cam.ac.uk.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cambridge next September!

More information, click here




Distant and Neglected Voices:  
Women in the History of Linguistics

Tuesday 28 & Wednesday 29 June 2016, 9.30am - 5.00pm
Venue: The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH

Dr Helena Sanson, University of Cambridge
Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett, University of Cambridge

The role played by women in the history of linguistics has not yet received the scholarly attention it deserves, despite current interest in linguistic historiography and questions of language and gender. This conference will consider the contribution of women as linguists in different linguistic and cultural contexts, both European and non-European. The focus will be particularly on the period 1500 until the institutionalisation of linguistics as a discipline in the twentieth century. The term 'linguist' will be understood broadly, to include contributions offered to the discipline and the study of language structure and function outside more institutionalised and traditional frameworks.



I Jornada de Historiografia da Linguística:
fundamentos para a reconstrução da história das reflexões a respeito das línguas e da linguagem :::


A Historiografia da Linguística (HoL) tem como objetivo resgatar o sentido histórico das várias formas de percepção e representação do conhecimento sobre as línguas e a linguagem. Em sua palestra, José Borges Neto (Professor Sênior da UFPR e da UNICENTRO), falará sobre seu trabalho historiográfico com fontes manuscritas, dando como exemplo a pesquisa do primeiro dicionário chinês-português, compilado pelo jesuíta Matteo Ricci no final do séc. XVI. O Prof. Borges também falará a respeito de uma série de traduções e teses de doutorado na linha de pesquisa
de História e Filosofia da Linguística que têm sido orientadas por ele no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos da UFPR/Curitiba. Rodrygo Yoshiyuki Tanaka (Professor do Departamento de Línguas Modernas da UNESP/Assis) falará sobre os dicionários de língua japonesa compilados por jesuítas portugueses no contexto do “Século Cristão”, entre o ano de 1543 e 1635 – um período da história japonesa marcado por fortes relações comerciais e culturais entre portugueses e japoneses, em que surgiram várias traduções, gramáticas e dicionários. Em especial, o Prof. Rodrygo tratará da produção lexicográfica e apresentará os estudos desenvolvidos em Historiografia Linguística sobre esse período.

Departamento de Linguística



500 Years of Italian Grammar(s), Culture, and Society in Italy and Europe:
From Fortunio's Regole (1516) to the Present

Thursday 10 December 2015
9am - 5pm

Music Room, Downing College, Cambridge

Music Room, Downing College, Cambridge

This one-day event will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the publication of the first grammar of the Italian language, Fortunio’s Regole della volgare lingua (1516), ahead of its anniversary in 2016. The event intends to be a re-assessment of the Italian grammatical production in the last five centuries, examining its development from Fortunio’s Regole, which established a long-lasting tradition of ‘grammatica degli autori’ (based on the language of the great authors of the past), until contemporary speaker-based grammar production, a ‘grammatica dell’utente’, which responds to the needs of the public (by means of online dedicated webpages whereby grammarians answer users’ linguistic queries).This event intends to offer an original and ‘different’ approach to grammar and grammar texts and to show how grammar texts, rather than sterile and repetitive ‘objects’, as they are often (unfairly) considered to be, reflect instead the culture, tastes, and needs of their reading public and, more broadly, of the era in which they were produced. Speakers have been invited to present unusual, ‘curious’,and little-known examples of grammar production, both in print and in manuscript, with the aim of bringing to light new facts and events within the history of Italian grammar production, the history of the Italian language and culture, and the history of linguistic thought.

Papers will be in English and Italian. 

A special issue of The Italianist, collecting the papers presented at the conference, is due to be published in 2016 precisely to mark the 500th anniversary of Fortunio’s Regole.

An exhibition of Italian grammars held in Cambridge University Library will take place between 12 November and 11 December 2015.

The conference is generously sponsored by the Department of Italian at Cambridge University, the Italian Cultural Institute in London, the Modern Humanities Research Association, the Society for Italian Studies, and the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas.

For more information, including a full programme of the event, and to register, see the following link:



Conference Information

Long-term Histories of Grammatical Traditions

Expressions of interest are invited for a working group on the long-term histories of grammatical traditions, and on the interactions between different grammatical traditions. The activities of the working group will include a workshop; participation will be generously funded for up to ten participants by the project's sponsor, the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council. Activities will also include preparing individual contributions for publication, and contributing to a multi-authored article; publication mentoring will be offered to early-career participants and any others who would like such support.

Subject Area:

When a language changes, concepts of grammatical description may remain the same in name while acquiring a different value. For example, the distinctive contrast between long and short vowels found in Classical Greek was lost at some point after the Classical period, yet grammarians continued to operate with the concept that some vowels were 'long' and others 'short', and continued to put this concept to work in describing the language as a whole. Statements of possible positions for the word accent continued to invoke this distinction between 'long' and 'short' vowels: the accent fell on one of the last three syllables in the word, and normally on one of the last two if the final syllable contained a 'long vowel'. For this purpose, the teaching of traditional vowel lengths survived into the school tradition on modern Greek until fairly recently. In effect, what had once been an audible or surface distinction became an abstract or underlying feature—a technical device that helped in the description of complex patterns of alternation. 

Terms and concepts of grammatical description may also be borrowed from the description of one language into that of another. But the grammatical categories of one language may not map neatly onto those of another. As a result, features of one language may be imported into the description of another, but at an abstract level of the descriptive system. For example, Latin grammars influenced the early English grammatical tradition, with results including the idea that English nouns and adjectives have all the grammatical genders and cases found in Latin. These features of Latin could be imported on an abstract level as long as one recognised that grammatical gender never determines the form of an English noun or adjective, and most of the cases sound identical (see e.g. U. Dons, Descriptive Adequacy of early modern English grammars, Mouton de Gruyter 2004, pp. 39–53, 214–16; H. Gwosdek, Lily’s Grammar of Latin in English, Oxford University Press 2013, pp. 136–7).

Fruitful work has been done, and is currently being done, on topics connected to the long-term histories of grammatical traditions and their interactions with one another. Much of this work is naturally embedded in scholarship on the individual languages involved. But it is also worth taking a comparative perspective: what common themes and problems emerge if scholars working on such topics talk to each other?

For further details, please see the Call for Papers.




La realización de Congresos Internacionales dedicados a la Historiografía Lingüística constituye una de las principales actividades de la Sociedad, para promover el encuentro entre los socios, fomentar el contacto entre investigadores interesados por la historiografía lingüística y facilitar un medio que, alternando su aparición con el Boletín de la SEHL, difunda adecuadamente las investigaciones.

Cada Congreso cuenta con sus propios comités científico y editorial, cuya misión es asegurar que las publicaciones que de ellos resultan cumplan los requisitos exigibles a cualquier publicación científica de impacto.

sociedad espanhola de historiografia linguistica

En la X Asamblea General de la SEHL - X CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA LINGÜÍSTICA Cáceres (España), reunida el pasado día 2 al 4 de septiembre de 2015, a propuesta de la assemblea, se incorporó al comité científico del BSEHL al Dr. Emilio Ridruejo y a la Drª Cristina Altman. Se acordo elaborar um protocolo para la renovación progressiva de los membros del comité.
La asamblea aprobó por unanimidade la propuesta de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, presentada por el Dr. Guillermo Toscano y Garcia, como sede del XI Congreso Internacional de la SEHL, que se celebrará em ela ñ 2017.




conference Saussure​​​​​​​

The recently found "Laboratorio di Storia delle Idee Linguistiche", held at "Sapienza" Università di Roma, is organizing the International Conference Saussure and his Italian interpreters.
Antonino Pagliaro, Rome's school
of Linguistics and the European milieu.
The Conference will be held at "Sapienza" University in June 2016.

Conference location and dates: "Sapienza", 6-7 June 2016.
Invited speakers: T. De Mauro, D. Gambarara, M. Mancini, C. Puech, J. Trabant.
Lenght of abstract: no more than 4000 characters.
Submission deadline: 15 November.
Notification of acceptance: January 2016.
Scientific committee: S. Gensini, M. De Palo, L. Formigari, D.Gambarara, F. Albano Leoni, D. Savatovsky

Link to our website:

Link to the Conference website:

We also have a newsletter service, which you can join by following this link:

Further details will follow in the forthcoming weeks.

On behalf of the organizing committee
LabSIL - Laboratorio di Storia delle Idee Linguistiche
Sapienza-Università di Roma


O Grupo de Pesquisadores do CEDOCH tem o prazer de convidar, a todos os interessados, para a 8ª edição do MiniEnapol de Historiografia Linguística. As inscrições para o Evento estão abertas e podem ser efetuadas por aquiaté 8 de maio.
Em breve, noticiaremos, aqui, a programação completa do Evento.
Para maiores informações: 



O Projeto 9 da Associação de Linguística e Filologia da América Latina (ALFAL)  – Projeto de Historiografia Linguística coordenado pela professora Cristina Altman (CEDOCH/USP) – recebe, até o dia 30 de outubro (pelo e-mail altman@usp.br), sugestões de participação em uma das três modalidades pensadas para este Encontro: comunicações (individuais ou coordenadas) baseadas em pesquisas que já tenham resultados; mini-curso (com 7 horas de duração); mesa de debates sobre um tema previamente acordado.

O Projeto pretende discutir, com os grupos interessados, os processos de emergência, divulgação, circulação e recepção das diversas tradições de estudos linguísticos - com destaque para os contextos ibéricos e latino-americanos - durante o XVII Congresso Internacional da ALFAL, que acontecerá de 14 a 19 de julho, na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (João Pessoa / Brasil). A data limite para envio de resumos de comunicações é 16 de novembro.
Para outras informações sobre o Evento: www.alfal2014brasil.com.




No dia 17 de maio próximo, os componentes do GT de Historiografia Linguística da ANPOLL farão uma reunião na PUC de São Paulo para discutirem algumas temáticas importantes da área.
Dentre os pontos a serem analisados, encontram-se a vitalização da pesquisa em Historiografia Linguística no Brasil e o papel desse campo de investigação no cenário acadêmico brasileiro. Os componentes do Grupo também farão comunicações de suas pesquisas em andamento.
O Encontro acontecerá em duas sessões, uma pela manhã e outra pela tarde: a primeira, das 9h às 12h; a segunda, das 13h30 às 17h30.


Pesquisadores do CEDOCH participarão do XVII Congresso da ALFAL, que acontecerá na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), João Pessoa/PB, Brasil, de 15 de julho a 19 de julho de 2014.
Nesse período, será celebrado o quinquagésimo aniversário da Associação.
Em breve, disponibilizaremos mais informações sobre o Evento.


A aluna Julia de Crudis Rodrigues, bolsista pela CAPES, acaba de ingressar como mestranda no Grupo de Pesquisadores do CEDOCH. Julia, que já contribuía com o Grupo em seus trabalhos de iniciação científica, desenvolve, agora, sua dissertação, cujo título é "Fonética, Fonologia e Ortografia em Gramáticas Portuguesas do Século XIX: Terminologia, Técnicas e Contextos para a descrição".
A pesquisa amplia os esforços do CEDOCH no sentido de documentar e interpretar a gramaticografia portuguesa no período em questão.

Universidad de la Republica, em Montevidéu, Uruguai, abriu hoje em dia, sob os auspícios da Academia de Ciências da Argentina, Chile e Uruguai, um Departamento de Ciências Humanas, em homenagem a nossa grande ancestral, cientista-linguista Eugeniu Coşeriu.